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Your Handwriting : Determines Your Future !!!

Want to know How?
Very simple !!! It depends upon the way you write, just choose one of the way of your handwriting from the ways given below and know about your whole life:
Making an impression on paper.
Making no or rather less impression on the paper.
Big alphabets.
Small, Closely & certain alphabets are round.
Stretch their words & leave half written words.
Straight & Clear.
Don't make a line over their words.
Inclined towards the left.
Inclined towards the right.
Above the line.
Below the line.
Words close to each other.
Words broken & loosely.
Alphabets bent downwards.
Simple manner.
Words are at an inclination away from the lines.
Rounded manner, dangling, lift their pen after each word & don't put the caps.
Small, unclear leave lot of gaps among words & make a line on the top.