The Color of Ink you use speaks of your future.

Those who write with blue colored ink, these are attached toward society. They get along well with everyone, have blind faith, begin their career at the age of 25-27. Get support from their brothers. Have benefit from vehicle and home. Difficulties in studies. They have to receive education in a distant place. They have to receive obstacles atleast once during education. Have co-operation from child. These don’t like artificial behaviour in life. Not keen towards dressing. They may be professor or journalists. They are interested in agriculture. Have a liking towards living things. These due to their perseverence lead a normal life, get along well and reach a high post due to their capabilities. 32, brings certain important event. 36-40 years vehicle, house is with them. Paternal property after quarrel. 50 years brings health problems. Good family life two sources of income, blood and/or breath related problems. Age more than 85 years.